BibleScope Features

Here are some of the features offered in BibleScope

Main Screen

Main viewing screen

When BibleScope first launches, this is the main reading screen that is shown. From here you can get to all the other different functions within BibleScope.

Pressing the screen anywhere will toggle the menu bars visible/hidden. If you press the very top, there is a quick shortcut so you can jump to any chapter in the book , or any verse on the page

Bottom menu bar

  • << - Goes to the previous book or verse location in history. This setting can be configured in the Settings screen
  • <- This will navigate to the previous chapter
  • Middle button (NET in this pic) - This will show the Bible translation selection screen where you can choose which translation to view. You can also download additional translations from this dialog screen. See here for more information on the translations available in BibleScope
  • > - This will navigate to the next chapter
  • >> - Goes to the next book or verse location in history. This setting can be configured in the Settings screen

Very top menu bar

  • Title - This will show the current book, chapter and verse where you are in the Bible
  • Pressing the title bar - This will show the chapter and verse shortcut bars allowing you to quickly jump to a chpater in the current book, or a verse in the current chapter

Popup menu (press menu button on your phone)

  • Go - This will show you the book/chapter/verse selection screen, see below . You can change which type of verse chooser by going to the Settings
  • Search - This takes you to the Search screen within BibleScope, see below
  • Notes - This will show the Notes screen, see below
  • Bookmarks - This will show the Bookmarks screen, see below
  • Options - This button shows the settings screen, see below where you can change colors font, sizes and more

Bible translation screen

Each translation requires the download from my server, but once on your device no internet connection is needed.

There are many Bible translations available in BibleScope, and it couldn't be easier to use them. On the main screen, press the middle button on the bottom bar to see the list of available translations.

Available for download (many free, some paid)

Just select a translation to switch to that version, or to download it if its one for download. Most of these translations are free, but there are also some that require you to purchase a license.
The translations that are available for purchase from within BibleScope including the NASB, HCSB, with the NIV, ESV, MSG and more coming soon.


Splitscreen mode

View 2 translations simultaneously

You can view 2 translations at the same time by pressing translation button at bottom middle and then press the Split tab button on that screen that comes up. Press the checkbox to turn on the split screen and then select one of the translations to show in split screen.

Landscape mode

When you are in landscape mode, and you also have the split screen visible, then the 2 views will be side-by side instead of on top of each other.


Landscape Mode

When your Android device is in the landscape position (sideways) the whole UI will autorotate. When you also have the split screen visible, then the 2 views will be side-by side instead of on top of each other when you are in portrait mode.
